Why profitable growth is critical to the U.S. economy

John Mariotti is the author of the new book, “Roadmap to Profitable Growth.” He will be a guest on The Brenner Brief Radio Show on Feb. 25. Mariotti is the former president of Huffy Bicycles and Rubbermaid Office Products Group. Growth is such a wonderful way to succeed — if it is profitable growth.  Scarcity is […]

How Obama’s policies hurt those he claims to want to protect

I’ll start by giving our president the benefit of the doubt — that he is actually hoping to make America a better place with his plans, his policies, his ideology and his actions. But, before I go too far down that road, I must question what his idea of “a better place” means, and how […]

The blind squirrels in Congress found a nut: permanent tax rates

Whether you like them or not, temporary tax rates have been corrosive to economic growth. They were temporary measures to finance outsized government spending. I’m not going to argue for or against such government spending — at least not yet — but taxes are the way in which we finance the US government. I think […]

Is the Economy Unfair to the Middle Class?

Yesterday, Rasmussen released an economic poll that produced some interesting numbers. Some were predictable, and others were very troubling. The overall poll was centered on the idea of economic fairness in America. According to the poll, Americans are split when it comes to how fair they think the economy is – 47 percent believe it is fair, […]